Friday, March 24, 2006

Survivors Can Thrive!: Survivor Aid--Dream to Reality

LINK: Survivors Can Thrive!: Survivor Aid--Dream to Reality

Okay... we are REALLY doing this.

Ever since the moment I was raped, I knew I would be a part of something huge to raise awareness and show The World that rape and abuse is happening EVERYWHERE.

It could even be your own daughter and you don't even know it yet.

My parents still know nothing of my rape.

I have been secretly planning and keeping all kinds of notes of all the different things I can do to help others survivors not to feel so helpless, alone, ashamed, scared, dirty, guilty... the list goes on and on.

I cannot erase what happened to me, but I cannot run and hide from it anymore. I am too tired and too broken to let Jay win again.

MY RAPE IS NOT WHO I AM, but it will always be a part of me. I cannot let my sadness embrace me. I cannot let my anger break me. I cannot let my fear shut me down. I cannot let my loneliness come to life.

Because I am not alone.

These are my dearest friends, pieces of my heart and soul working together to heal others as we heal ourselves.



I beg you to join us on our incredible journey!!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hang in there. I am a 53 year old guy who was abused by my uncle for many years. I'ts taken a lot of time to heal, but the pain comes back when I hear stories like yours. Time does make it easier, as well as talking about it.

3/25/2006 11:47 AM  
Blogger Marj aka Thriver said...

We really ARE doing this. And your energy, ideas and faith is essential. Thanks for being part of it!

3/26/2006 7:09 PM  

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